Tic Toc it’s Gin O’Clock!

Hello all,

Thank you for watching my stories for naughty grown ups! I originally recorded story number 1 ‘Billy Didn’t Care’ for a friend. I made the mistake of forwarding it to another couple of friends and to my horror somebody shared it on social media! I was horrified until the comments started rolling in with people asking for more stories! 66 stories later I look back on ‘Lockdown’ with fond and fun memories of writing my poems.

I have enjoyed every minute and I thank you for watching my poems and for spurring me on to write more with your lovely and sometimes hilarious comments! You have certainly kept my laughing throughout lockdown and I hope I have brought a smile to your face too.

This site has been set up to allow my followers to purchase my videos in a DVD format or as MP4 downloads.

Please use the shop to select your item and I hope you enjoy the stories as much as I have recording them.

All the best


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3 years ago
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The idea of this channel has grown through you determination to keep us going during lockdown. I support your ideas and 95% of your output (we never will like everything as were only human) So many of us older folk (I’m 73) were isolated and your videos gave us something to laugh at when the gloomy days were around and the TV full of repeats too.
chilly computers have been in my life since the first apple computer filled our dining table and the graphics were stick men and square balls (still have them somewhere).
I live in France now came to live with our 3 children who were all working here (2 have since gone back to England (not because of Brexit either)). and the older people here are not really computer literate, which give me a simple job or to in my retirement.There are many stories out here that might interest you if you get stuck for material ( just like helping where I can and get a kick out seeing my ideas in use). Enough of this rambling, hope all continues going forward for you.

3 years ago

5% is what has not been viewed yet of course

Kathryn Green
Kathryn Green
3 years ago

Am loving the site 😍 well done